Thursday, June 18, 2015

Recipe - chicken thighs, potato slices, green beans

This recipe was inspired by a parsley red potatoes recipe I had ages ago.

I make it in an electric skillet set about 350F.

Drizzle a bit of olive oil in the bottom of the skillet, not a lot because the chicken will release quite a bit of oil as it cooks.  Place 3 - 7 chicken thighs in the skillet, sprinkle on some seasoned salt, cover and cook for 10 min.

Turn chicken thighs over, sprinkle with seasoned salt, cover and cook for 10 min.

While chicken thighs are cooking, start preparing the potatoes (3 - 5) depending on how many you need and how many will fit in the skillet with the chicken thighs.  Scrub the potatoes under flowing water before starting.  Remove bad spots and slice into 1/4" slices.  I leave the skins on -- your choice.

*At this point, take a look at how much oil is in the skillet, and if you're happy with this amount.  Some to all can be drained off.  Your choice.

After the chicken thighs have cooked for 20 min, push them all to the center of the skillet and lay the potato slices around the edges.  Add half a carton of chicken stock/broth.  Sprinkle with seasoned salt and parsley. Cover and cook for 15 min.

When 15 min is up, add green beans (I use a bag of frozen, but whatever you have will work.).  I have to make sure the beans stay more toward the edges because if I stack them in the center, the lid won't fit properly.  Cover and cook for 15 min.

When 15 min is up, check the potatoes for doneness.  If they're soft when stabbed with a fork, it's time to eat!  If they're not, then set the timer for 15 more minutes.


Additional add-ins -- garlic powder, onions or onion powder, bacon, cheese, california veg

Let me know what you think of this recipe in the comments.


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